In the heart of the charming Falmouth lies Woods Hole, a tranquil fishing village embraced by the Atlantic Ocean and home to the prestigious Woods Hole Golf Club (WHGC). For Jess and Joe, who were living in the town of Falmouth during their wedding planning, the newly renovated clubhouse at WHGC emerged as their perfect venue.
With countless summers spent in the area and fond memories of rounds of golf at the club, it held a special place in their hearts. Their vision was clear – to craft a vibrant and joyous celebration that reflected their lively spirits and the love they shared.
Bright pinks seamlessly intertwined with soft grays, creating a palette that echoed the romance of the surroundings. Textures of stone and linen added depth and character to the aesthetic, creating a visual tapestry that captivated all who attended.
Every detail was meticulously curated, with custom-designed elements thoughtfully incorporated throughout the space. The result was a celebration that transcended the ordinary, offering a memorable experience at every turn. From the carefully selected color scheme to the textured elements, the ambiance resonated with the unique love story of Jess and Joe.
For us, it was an absolute honor to assist Jess and Joe in bringing their vision to life and creating more cherished memories within the extraordinary setting of WHGC.
“Lauren was instrumental in making our wedding the best day possible. Her dedication, attention to detail, and kind nature make her phenomenal to work with. I would recommend her to anyone who is looking to plan and execute a perfect wedding.”